Hate Looking for a Salesperson – You are not alone! – Part One
When your company is searching for new sales professionals, do you dread the process because:
1) It takes too much of your time to review resumes and conduct interviews.
2) Too many people apply that don’t have the skills that your company needs.
3) Far too often, you make a decision to hire because you like the personality and appearance of the candidate, only to find out later that the individual you selected can’t sell their way out of a box.
4) You find it difficult to fire an individual that you have gotten to know and still like.
You are not alone.
A client of ours recently advertised for the position of a territory salesperson with a $80,000 base plus commission. During a period of about 25 days, they received 213 applications. Having had experience reviewing resumes, doing phone interviews as well as multiple face-to-face interviews, consider how much of your time it would take to make a selection.
Instead of spending countless hours that easily could lead to making a mistake, the client chose Closer Consulting to do the upfront work of selecting only the best candidates to recommend.
How did Closer Consulting do this, you ask? For the answer, check out: Hate Looking for a Salesperson – Part Two