The Magic of the Sales Candidate Assessment – A Special Webinar
Have you ever hired a salesperson that didn’t work out, even though you were sure they would? Or do you need stronger salespeople to combat how difficult selling has become in 2015? If you answered yes, then this Webinar will provide you with the information to help you identify and select those very salespeople.
Register today for “The Magic of the OMG Sales Candidate Assessment,” hosted by Dave Kurlan, Founder and CEO of Objective Management Group. Dave will lead you through a compelling 45-minute session on how the magic in OMG’s Sales Candidate Assessment will put sales hiring problems in the rear view mirror.
This LIVE webinar will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2015, 11:00am-12:00pm USA Eastern Dqylight Time (GMT-4).
If you are not able to attend – just drop me a line and let’s talk.